
The Hong Kong Youth Development Summit took place at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, where over 1,000 policymakers, researchers, and young entrepreneurs gathered for the city’s first summit of its kind, organized by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau.

Chief Executive John Lee delivered an inspiring opening speech, urging young people to draw inspiration from Hong Kong’s young athletes and embody the Olympic spirit. He emphasized that while not everyone can be Olympic champions, everyone has the potential to be champions of their own stories. Lee encouraged the youth to embrace the values of the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger, together, in their pursuit of personal and collective success.

Chief Secretary Eric Chan highlighted the government’s youth development blueprint, which aims to provide comprehensive support to individuals aged between 12 and 39. The blueprint, introduced in December 2022, saw the addition of approximately 60 new measures last year. Among these measures is the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for youth, which aims to increase the number of participating advisory committees to at least 180 in the current term.

Chan noted that 85 government advisory committees have already joined the scheme, covering various sectors such as trade and industry, innovation and technology, human resources planning, and child affairs. He underscored the importance of harnessing the energy, creativity, and resilience of young people to shape a brighter future for Hong Kong.

In addition to the government’s initiatives, the summit featured panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities for attendees to exchange ideas and build connections. Participants had the chance to engage with industry leaders, experts, and fellow young entrepreneurs to gain insights and inspiration for their own personal and professional development.

The summit served as a platform for young people to voice their aspirations, concerns, and ideas for the future of Hong Kong. It offered a valuable opportunity for them to contribute to shaping policies, programs, and initiatives that directly impact their lives and the broader community.

Overall, the Hong Kong Youth Development Summit was a resounding success, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to collaborate, innovate, and empower the next generation of leaders. It demonstrated the government’s commitment to investing in youth development and creating a supportive environment for young people to thrive and succeed in Hong Kong’s dynamic society.