
Hong Kong is facing a significant challenge in its preschool sector due to a record-low birth rate in 2022. The number of newborns in 2022 was the lowest since data has been available since 1960, with only 32,500 births. This trend continued into 2023 with 33,200 babies born, the second lowest on record. As a result, kindergartens in Hong Kong are bracing for a severe drop in enrollment next year.

Felix Yan Ho-on, chairman of the Hong Kong Early Childhood Educators Association, has warned that as many as 30 kindergartens could close in the next school year due to declining enrollment. This could also lead to a reduction in teaching staff as government subsidies are dependent on the number of students enrolled. With almost 20 preschools shutting down in the previous year, the situation is expected to worsen in the coming years.

The impact of low birth rates is already being felt in the preschool sector, with some institutions reporting low enrollment numbers in recent years. Larger organizations may have the resources to redeploy redundant teachers, but smaller ones are struggling to stay afloat. High rental expenses are also putting pressure on privately funded kindergartens, forcing some to consider closing down.

To address the challenges faced by kindergartens, the Education Bureau has announced the availability of six new estate kindergarten premises in different districts. These premises are open for applications, especially for non-profit-making kindergartens with high rental expenses or surplus places in the district. Yan believes that these new premises will be popular among the sector and could potentially help kindergartens in older districts attract more students.

Despite the current difficulties, there is a glimmer of hope for the preschool sector. The Year of the Dragon, which began on February 10, is traditionally associated with a baby boom in Hong Kong. The government’s cash incentive of HK$20,000 for every newborn child is also expected to encourage higher birth rates in the coming years. Previous Dragon years have seen an increase in birth rates, and early statistics for 2024 show an 8% rise in registered births compared to the previous year.

While the challenges are significant, there are opportunities for the preschool sector to adapt and thrive in the face of changing demographics. By leveraging new kindergarten premises, exploring innovative teaching methods, and adapting to evolving trends, kindergartens in Hong Kong can overcome the impact of record-low birth rates and ensure a bright future for early childhood education in the city.