
The US Democratic Party has once again reiterated its strong support for Taiwan in its 2024 platform, as announced during the Democratic National Convention. This reaffirmation of support comes at a crucial time when tensions in the region are high, particularly due to China’s increasing assertiveness. The Democratic Party’s platform emphasizes the importance of investing in alliances to counter Chinese coercion and upholding the One China policy guided by the Taiwan Relations Act.

Commitment to Taiwan

The Democratic Party’s platform underlines the administration’s commitment to standing by Taiwan in the face of external pressures. The platform affirms that the Biden administration will continue to invest in alliances and partnerships to ensure that China cannot coerce its neighbors or disrupt the international rules that are essential for the security and prosperity of the United States. This unwavering support for Taiwan is a clear message that the Democratic Party values the relationship with Taiwan and recognizes its strategic importance in the Indo-Pacific region.

Adherence to One China Policy

The Democratic Party’s platform also stresses the adherence to the One China policy, as guided by the Taiwan Relations Act. This policy framework has been crucial in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait for decades. The platform reaffirms the US commitment to upholding peace and stability in the region, in line with the principles of the Taiwan Relations Act, the Six Assurances, and other relevant policies. By reiterating its commitment to these foundational principles, the Democratic Party signals its intent to preserve the status quo and prevent any unilateral changes that could destabilize the region.

Historic References

The inclusion of references to the Six Assurances in the Democratic Party platform marks a significant milestone in US-Taiwan relations. This is the first time in eight years that the Democratic Party has held an in-person national convention, and the first-ever mention of the Six Assurances in its platform. The explicit support for Taiwan and the recognition of the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait demonstrate the party’s deep commitment to strengthening ties with Taiwan and ensuring regional security.

Furthermore, a bipartisan delegation of Taiwanese lawmakers was sent to the US to observe the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, underscoring the close relationship between the two countries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in Taiwan welcomed the Democratic Party’s vocal support for Taiwan, highlighting the significance of the party’s stance in promoting peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, the US Democratic Party’s strong support for Taiwan in its 2024 platform is a testament to the enduring partnership between the two countries. This commitment to upholding peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and countering Chinese coercion reflects the shared values and strategic interests that bind the US and Taiwan together. As tensions in the region continue to escalate, the Democratic Party’s reaffirmation of support for Taiwan sends a clear message of solidarity and friendship to the people of Taiwan.