
President William Lai of Taiwan has reiterated his government’s unwavering commitment to bolstering the country’s defense capabilities through a series of military reforms and increased spending. In a series of meetings with Japanese and U.S. lawmakers, Lai emphasized Taiwan’s dedication to enhancing its defense while cultivating strong international partnerships.

Lai’s Meeting with Japanese Lawmakers

During his meeting with Japanese Representative Shigeru Ishiba and his delegation, President Lai underscored the enduring bond between Taiwan and Japan, which has been strengthened by shared experiences such as natural disasters and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Lai stressed the importance of deepening their partnership to address global challenges and maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

President Lai outlined his administration’s strategic approach, which revolves around four key pillars: robust military defense, economic resilience, alliances with democratic nations, and diplomatic engagement with Beijing based on principles of equality and mutual respect. He emphasized Taiwan’s determination to enhance its defense capabilities through a combination of domestic arms production, foreign military acquisitions, and rigorous military training, all geared towards safeguarding national security and regional peace.

In terms of economic initiatives, President Lai highlighted Taiwan’s efforts to strengthen trade relationships, including recent agreements with the U.S. under the Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and an Enhanced Trade Partnership Arrangement with the UK. He also expressed gratitude for Japan’s support in Taiwan’s bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

President Lai reiterated Taiwan’s willingness to engage in dialogue with Beijing, provided it is conducted on the basis of mutual respect and equality. He expressed a keen interest in collaborating with democratic allies, such as Japan, to counterbalance China’s influence and uphold global stability.

Japanese Delegation’s Response

Japanese Representative Shigeru Ishiba, leading a bipartisan delegation of Diet members, echoed President Lai’s call for continued cooperation to bolster regional deterrence and promote economic development. Ishiba underscored the importance of maintaining strong deterrence measures to prevent potential conflicts in Northeast Asia, citing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance.

Lai’s Meeting with U.S. Lawmakers

In a separate meeting with a U.S. delegation led by Representative Marilyn Strickland, who was joined by Representatives Julia Brownley, Jill Tokuda, and Jasmine Crockett, President Lai discussed the significance of deterrence in deterring potential Chinese aggression. Strickland emphasized the importance of democratic nations projecting strength and unity in the face of global challenges.

Representative Strickland reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to supporting Taiwan and stressed the imperative for democracies to collaborate in upholding freedom and democracy amidst growing threats and disinformation campaigns.

President Lai’s meetings with Japanese and U.S. lawmakers underscored Taiwan’s proactive approach to enhancing its defense capabilities and fostering strong partnerships with key allies in the region. The discussions highlighted the shared commitment to promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region through collaborative efforts and strategic cooperation.