
A man in Hong Kong is denying allegations of harassment in a lawsuit filed by his former domestic helper. The Equal Opportunities Commission brought forward the HK$180,000 claim against retired tattoo artist Lam Yui-sang, accusing him of making unwelcome advances towards the Indonesian helper during her employment in early 2022.

Lam has refuted the accusations, stating that the worker seduced him into certain actions that could be considered criminal. He claimed that the helper offered to provide him with a massage for a fee and seemed open to physical contact. Additionally, Lam insisted that he did not request anything inappropriate from the worker, as he satisfied his needs by visiting massage parlours that offered illicit services.

The employer allegedly proposed marriage and asked for sexual favors merely four days after the helper began working at his residence. Reports suggest that Lam even offered to pay the helper for sex. Recordings played in court captured the man making remarks about his desire for a child and expressing frustration when his advances were rejected.

During the trial, Lam avoided questions about his background and past actions, opting instead to criticize the plaintiff’s legal counsel. He admitted to falsely confessing to being the man in the audio recordings when seeking legal aid for the case. Lam maintained that the helper initiated inappropriate behavior on the first day of her employment by moving closer to him, leading him to believe she was trying to entice him into committing unlawful acts.

The case will conclude with closing arguments from both parties before a judgment is delivered by Deputy Judge Joseph Vaughan. The outcome of this lawsuit will determine whether the allegations of harassment against Lam are substantiated or disproven.