
Young Ambassadors to Visit Malaysia and Thailand for Agricultural Exchanges: A Global Initiative

In an effort to strengthen agricultural ties and promote cultural exchange, two delegations of young ambassadors will be embarking on a journey to Malaysia and Thailand from 26 August to 1 September. This initiative, spearheaded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), aims to foster collaboration between Taiwan and key countries in the region as part of the “New Southbound Policy.”

The 2024 “Agricultural Youth Ambassadors New Southbound Exchange Program” was officially launched with a flag presentation ceremony at the Grand Auditorium. Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang highlighted the significance of Thailand and Malaysia in Taiwan’s strategic partnerships, emphasizing the longstanding history of agricultural exchanges between the nations.

Taiwan and Thailand have a rich history of collaboration in the agricultural sector, dating back to their first joint project 50 years ago. Building on this foundation, the Ministry of Economic Affairs recently convened a conference on agricultural business in Thailand to explore new opportunities for bilateral cooperation. Meanwhile, Malaysia is in the midst of implementing the “12th Malaysia Plan,” which places a strong emphasis on agricultural restructuring, making it a prime target for foreign partnerships.

The diverse group of agricultural youth ambassadors participating in this year’s program are expected to play a pivotal role in identifying potential areas of collaboration in local agricultural sectors. Through on-site visits, sharing of best practices, and knowledge exchange, these young ambassadors will pave the way for future joint projects between Taiwan and its Southeast Asian counterparts.

Expanding Agricultural Horizons Through Youth Ambassador Programs

The “Agricultural Youth Ambassadors” program, a joint initiative by the MOFA and the Ministry of Agriculture, has been instrumental in promoting cross-cultural understanding and knowledge sharing in the agricultural sector since its inception in 2017. Over the years, the program has sent 114 Taiwanese youth with agricultural backgrounds to various countries in the region, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and India.

By providing young agricultural enthusiasts with the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences and cultural immersion, the program not only enhances their skills and knowledge but also fosters strong bonds between Taiwan and its neighboring countries. These youth ambassadors serve as bridges for collaboration, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table.

Through interactions with local farmers, agricultural experts, and government officials, the ambassadors gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural sector in different countries. This firsthand experience equips them with the tools and resources needed to develop sustainable solutions and build lasting partnerships across borders.

Driving Sustainable Development Through Agricultural Exchanges

As global challenges such as climate change, food security, and sustainable agriculture continue to impact our world, it is imperative for countries to work together towards common goals. By engaging in agricultural exchanges and knowledge sharing initiatives, nations can leverage each other’s strengths and expertise to address pressing issues and drive sustainable development.

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the economic growth and stability of many countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. Through collaborative efforts and mutual cooperation, nations can enhance productivity, promote innovation, and ensure food security for their populations. By harnessing the collective wisdom and resources of diverse stakeholders, we can create a more resilient and sustainable agricultural ecosystem for future generations.

In the context of the “New Southbound Policy,” Taiwan’s engagement with countries like Malaysia and Thailand in agricultural exchanges is a strategic move that not only benefits the participating nations but also strengthens regional ties and promotes peace and prosperity. By investing in youth empowerment and fostering a culture of collaboration, we can build a brighter future for all.