The Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, Xia Baolong, recently met with Polytechnic University Council Chairman Lam Tai-fai and President Teng Jin-guang in Beijing. During the meeting, Xia praised the universities in Hong Kong for their long history, glorious tradition, good international reputation, and valuable resources for higher education in the nation.

Xia emphasized the important role that major universities in Hong Kong play in fostering virtues and supporting the Chief Executive and the SAR government. He encouraged them to continue their mission and work together to improve higher education in the region. Specifically, Xia commended PolyU for its recent achievements in research, innovation, and contributions to national projects.

Furthermore, Xia reiterated the central authorities’ strong support for the development of the education sector in the HKSAR under the “One Country, Two Systems” principle. He expressed his hope that all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong will focus on the country’s needs and Hong Kong’s strengths, utilizing the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” to adapt to the changing times and cultivate talented individuals to contribute to national rejuvenation.

It is evident that Xia Baolong’s positive remarks and encouragement serve as a reminder of the significant role that Hong Kong’s universities play in shaping the future of higher education and contributing to the overall development of the region. By recognizing their achievements and highlighting the importance of aligning with national goals, Xia’s words serve as a motivation for these institutions to continue their efforts in fostering talent and innovation.

As Hong Kong continues to navigate through various challenges and changes, the support and guidance from central authorities like Xia Baolong are essential in ensuring that the education sector in the region remains strong and relevant. The focus on leveraging the unique advantages of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle to drive growth and excellence in education underscores the commitment to nurturing future leaders who will contribute to the nation’s progress and success.