The future of Yau Tam Mei Tsuen, a village in Hong Kong’s northern New Territories, hangs in the balance as construction on an underground rail link connecting Hong Kong to mainland China threatens to uproot the lives of its residents. Lo San-cheung, a long-time villager who moved to Hong Kong from mainland China in 1957, is one of many facing eviction with only two years left before they are forced to leave their homes.
The Yau Tam Mei Tsuen development is part of the government’s ambitious Northern Metropolis scheme, set to transform 30,000 hectares of land along Hong Kong’s border. This infrastructure megaproject includes plans for a third medical school, a university town, and a residential hub spanning 127 hectares, as announced by Chief Executive John Lee during his third Policy Address last year. The looming eviction of Yau Tam Mei Tsuen residents is just the beginning of a larger transformation that will reshape the northern New Territories.
The construction works for the Express Rail Link in 2011 already disrupted the village, causing groundwater to dry up and impacting farmers’ livelihoods. Lo San-cheung, reflecting on the past decade, recalls the struggles of the villagers as they fought against the tunnelling works that signaled the eventual loss of their homes. The low rumble of high-speed trains passing through the village now serves as a constant reminder of the impending changes.
For Siu Ming, a villager who has been actively involved in advocating for the community, the protests against the tunnelling works were a turning point. The Land Justice League, an activist group that once fought against village redevelopment projects, helped villagers understand their rights and navigate the complex planning processes. Despite the opposition, Siu Ming anticipates that the development will move forward, citing the example of the San Tin Technopole consultation where overwhelming opposition did not deter the project’s approval.
In a recent gathering in Yau Tam Mei Tsuen, villagers expressed their concerns to officials, questioning the government’s decision to prioritize the Northern Metropolis project despite financial deficits. The proposed rehousing plan met with skepticism and resistance from residents who fear the loss of their community and way of life. The sentiment of defiance was palpable as villagers voiced their frustrations and demanded answers from officials.
As the deadline for eviction approaches, residents like Siu Ming and Ng Cheuk-hang grapple with the uncertainty of their future. The promise of resettlement estates and compensation offers little solace as they face the prospect of leaving behind their homes and livelihoods. Despite the challenges ahead, some, like 86-year-old Lau, have come to accept the inevitable changes, hoping for a compromise that will preserve some semblance of their way of life.
The fate of Yau Tam Mei Tsuen hangs in the balance as construction works are set to begin in 2027, marking the beginning of the end for this village on the outskirts of Hong Kong’s bustling metropolis. The resilience of its residents, the challenges they face, and the uncertain future that lies ahead serve as a poignant reminder of the human cost of progress in a rapidly developing city. As the deadline for eviction looms, the echoes of resistance and resilience in Yau Tam Mei Tsuen paint a vivid picture of a community fighting to preserve its identity in the face of relentless urbanization.