
Systematic Harassment Against Journalists in Hong Kong

In a recent development, the Hong Kong Journalists Association has raised concerns about a “systematic and coordinated attack against journalists” in the city. According to the industry body, numerous journalists have reported instances of harassment and intimidation, with some even facing threats directed at themselves and their family members. These attacks have been carried out through various mediums such as social media, email, and letters between June and August of this year.

The severity of these attacks has prompted Michael Cheuk, the under secretary for security, to urge those who feel threatened to come forward and report such incidents to the authorities. Cheuk emphasized that Hong Kong is a place governed by the rule of law, where all illegal activities must be condemned. He stressed the importance of upholding the rights of individuals to be free from threats, fear, and harassment, regardless of their background or profession.

Protecting Freedom of Press and Expression

Cheuk’s call to action underscores the importance of protecting the freedom of the press and ensuring that journalists can carry out their work without fear of reprisal. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right that should be respected and upheld in any democratic society. The ability of journalists to report on issues of public interest is essential for holding those in power accountable and ensuring transparency in governance.

The attacks against journalists in Hong Kong not only threaten the individuals targeted but also undermine the principles of a free and independent press. In a climate of fear and intimidation, journalists may be reluctant to report on sensitive issues or speak truth to power, which ultimately harms the public’s right to access information and participate in democratic processes.

Concerns About Government Data Leak

In addition to the harassment faced by journalists, there are also concerns about a potential government data leak that may have exposed individuals to further threats. The association highlighted instances where individuals received threatening messages shortly after being searched by customs officers upon entering Hong Kong. This has raised suspicions of a breach in government databases, leading to the unauthorized access of personal information.

However, Cheuk has refuted these claims, stating that there is no evidence to suggest that any government databases have been compromised. While the allegations of a data leak are troubling, it is essential to verify the accuracy of such claims and take appropriate measures to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information.

Ensuring Accountability and Protection

In light of the escalating attacks against journalists and concerns about data security, it is crucial for the authorities to take swift and decisive action to address these issues. Ensuring accountability for those responsible for harassment and intimidation is paramount to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of individuals to freedom of expression.

Moreover, steps must be taken to enhance the security and integrity of government databases to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Safeguarding personal information is essential in maintaining trust between the government and the public, and any lapses in data security must be investigated and rectified promptly.


The recent incidents of harassment against journalists in Hong Kong serve as a stark reminder of the importance of upholding the freedom of the press and protecting individuals from threats and intimidation. It is incumbent upon the authorities to investigate these attacks, hold those responsible accountable, and ensure the safety and security of journalists in carrying out their work.

In a democratic society, the press plays a vital role in providing information, facilitating public discourse, and holding those in power accountable. Upholding the rights of journalists to report freely and without fear is essential for promoting transparency, accountability, and democracy. It is imperative that all individuals, regardless of their profession, are able to exercise their right to freedom of expression without fear of reprisal.