
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China is set to be celebrated in grand style in Hong Kong, with a plethora of exciting events and activities planned to mark the occasion. From a dazzling drone show to a special Mark Six lottery extravaganza, the celebrations promise to be a treat for residents and visitors alike.

Drone Show and Youth Performances

One of the highlights of the celebrations will be a spectacular drone show, which will feature 2,099 drones forming various shapes and patterns in the night sky. The show, which will take place on October 1st at Victoria Harbour, is expected to be a visual feast for all who attend. Additionally, a youth singing performance will be held at the West Kowloon Cultural District the night before, where 1,000 young people will sing patriotic songs and showcase their talents in dance and percussion performances.

Bazaar and Exchange Tours

In late October, the government will host a five-day bazaar, featuring 75 stores representing different clansmen associations. This bazaar promises to be a vibrant and diverse celebration of Chinese culture and heritage. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in mainland exchange tours, allowing them to gain firsthand experience and knowledge about the country.

Patriotic Education and Economic Stimulus

Chief Secretary Eric Chan emphasized that patriotic education and economic stimulus are key themes of the celebrations. He highlighted the importance of instilling a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, while also boosting the local economy through various activities and events. While the exact amount of public money being spent on the celebrations was not disclosed, Chan assured that many activities were sponsored by the commercial sector and through donations, minimizing the burden on government funds.

Furthermore, more than 185,000 celebratory items, such as national and SAR flags, as well as decorations featuring the Great Wall, will be displayed at thousands of locations around town. This widespread display of patriotism and cultural heritage is sure to create a festive atmosphere throughout the city.

Exciting Prizes and Offers

Tourism and Cultural Minister Kevin Yeung revealed some exciting prizes and offers that will be available during the celebrations. The drone show will feature items showcasing the number “75”, such as 75 stars and symbols displaying the figures ’75’. Additionally, half-price movie tickets will be offered on National Day, with ticket buyers also receiving scratch cards for a chance to win 75 free movie tickets.

Moreover, the government has organized 750 free dental checks for elderly individuals, as well as 750 free medical consultations provided by Chinese medical practitioners for seniors. Ocean Park will also be giving out 750 free tickets to grassroots families, ensuring that everyone can participate in the festivities.

Home Affairs Chief Alice Mak announced that the Jockey Club has agreed to hold two special Mark Six lotteries early next month, with each top prize expected to exceed HK$75 million. This presents an exciting opportunity for residents to try their luck and potentially win big.

In conclusion, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China will be a time of joy, celebration, and unity in Hong Kong. The diverse range of events and activities planned for the occasion will offer something for everyone to enjoy, while also promoting patriotism, cultural heritage, and economic growth. As residents come together to commemorate this special milestone, the spirit of unity and camaraderie will be felt throughout the city.