
A high-end hotel in Beijing, The Opposite House, recently closed its doors after 16 years of operation, raising concerns about the challenges faced by luxury hotels in mainland China and Hong Kong. Despite the overall average occupancy rate of the Hong Kong hospitality sector appearing healthy at around 80 per cent, luxury hotels are only half full at about 54 per cent.

The changing landscape of tourism, with more budget-conscious travelers seeking meaningful experiences over material purchases, poses a challenge to the industry. In order to attract quality travelers and increase revenue, the focus should shift towards high spenders who are looking for bespoke, next-level hotel experiences.

City officials in Hong Kong need to develop a proper strategy to attract the right spenders and create a synergistic ecosystem involving the service sector, hospitality, retail, and event planning. Mega events should be carefully planned and executed to avoid wastage of public funds and ensure maximum interest and revenue for the city.

The upcoming Kai Tak Sports Park could offer world-class facilities to attract mega events in the future, while leveraging Hong Kong’s unique features such as the harbor and countryside for events like trail races. Collaboration with hospitality and tourism leaders is crucial in brainstorming creative ideas to revive the tourism industry and attract quality tourists.

Instead of simply encouraging a “smile more” attitude, city officials should engage in open dialogue and collaboration with industry experts to address the needs and aspirations of travelers. By tapping into the insights and instincts of experienced general managers in luxury hotels, innovative solutions can be developed to enhance the overall tourism experience in Hong Kong.

By focusing on attracting quality travelers and offering unique, next-level experiences, Hong Kong can position itself as a top destination for sophisticated tourists and increase revenue in the hospitality sector. Through strategic planning and collaboration, the city can overcome the challenges faced by the high-end hospitality market and thrive in the evolving tourism landscape.