
International Outcry Over Hong Kong Editors’ Sedition Conviction

In a significant display of solidarity, a coalition of 23 countries has come together to express their “grave concern” over the recent conviction of two former Hong Kong editors on charges of conspiracy to publish seditious articles. The verdict against the ex-editors of the now-defunct online outlet Stand News has raised serious alarms about the state of press freedom in the city, with the Media Freedom Coalition calling for an end to the prosecution of journalists under the guise of national security.

The convicted individuals, former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen, 54, and ex-acting editor-in-chief Patrick Lam Shiu-tung, 36, were found guilty of sedition by the District Court last month. This verdict has sparked outrage among media organizations and advocacy groups worldwide, who argue that journalism should not be criminalized and that the freedom of the press is a fundamental pillar of democracy.

Concerns Over the Wider Suppression of Media Freedom

The Media Freedom Coalition, which includes countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, has highlighted the broader implications of the guilty verdict against the Stand News editors. The coalition expressed deep concern over the “wider suppression of media freedom” in Hong Kong, pointing to a pattern of increased media self-censorship and hostility towards journalists since the implementation of the National Security Law in June 2020.

The prosecution of Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam is seen as part of a broader crackdown on dissenting voices in Hong Kong, with authorities using national security laws to target individuals and organizations critical of the government. The international community has condemned these actions as a violation of basic human rights and an assault on the principles of free speech and press freedom.

Journalism Is Not a Crime

The conviction of the Stand News editors has reignited debates about the role of journalism in society and the importance of protecting press freedom. The Media Freedom Coalition issued a statement declaring, “Journalism is not a crime,” and highlighting the unjust prosecution of Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam. The coalition emphasized that the guilty verdict was part of a larger pattern of government crackdowns on independent media outlets and journalists in Hong Kong.

The case of the Stand News editors is not an isolated incident but rather a symptom of the broader challenges facing the media industry in Hong Kong. Journalists and media organizations in the city have faced increasing pressure and censorship in recent years, with many resorting to self-censorship to avoid government reprisals. The international outcry over the conviction of Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam reflects growing concerns about the erosion of press freedom in Hong Kong and the need to safeguard the independence of the media.

Call for Action

As the international community continues to express solidarity with the convicted editors and demand justice for journalists in Hong Kong, there is a growing call for action to protect press freedom and uphold the principles of democracy. Governments, civil society organizations, and media outlets around the world have pledged their support for the Stand News editors and other journalists facing persecution for their work.

The Media Freedom Coalition has called on the Hong Kong government to respect the rights of journalists and uphold the principles of freedom of expression. The coalition has urged authorities to drop all charges against Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam and to cease the harassment and intimidation of journalists in the city. The coalition’s statement underscores the importance of a free and independent media in holding governments accountable and ensuring transparency and accountability in society.

In conclusion, the conviction of the former Stand News editors and the broader crackdown on press freedom in Hong Kong are troubling developments that warrant international attention and action. It is crucial for the international community to stand in solidarity with journalists and media organizations in Hong Kong and to condemn any efforts to suppress freedom of the press. Press freedom is a cornerstone of democracy, and its protection is essential to upholding human rights and democratic values worldwide.