
Government Condemns Jimmy Lai’s Legal Team for Smearing National Security Law

The government of Hong Kong has issued a strong condemnation of the remarks made by Jimmy Lai’s international legal team and his son, Sebastian, regarding the national security law and the city’s judicial system. In a statement released on Friday, the SAR government expressed disapproval of what they called “scandalizing” comments made by the Lai family.

The government also took issue with the Lais’ alleged abuse of United Nations mechanisms by seeking the intervention of the special rapporteur on torture in Jimmy Lai’s national security case. According to a government spokesman, such actions constitute an attempt to interfere with the judicial proceedings in Hong Kong using political influence, with the goal of circumventing the criminal justice process.

The government’s stance is clear: any attempt to undermine the rule of law in Hong Kong should be condemned. The spokesman emphasized that the Correctional Services Department is dedicated to providing a safe and humane custodial environment for all individuals in custody, including Jimmy Lai.

Ensuring Proper Medical Treatment

The statement from the SAR government also addressed concerns about Jimmy Lai’s medical treatment while in custody. The government spokesperson stated that the Correctional Services Department has established mechanisms in place to safeguard the rights of all inmates, including access to medical care.

Inmates who require further examination or treatment are promptly referred to specialist medical staff or public hospitals for follow-up. The department follows the same procedures for every inmate, ensuring that each individual receives appropriate medical attention. Any accusations claiming that Jimmy Lai has not been receiving proper treatment in remand are unfounded, according to the government.

The government’s commitment to upholding the rights and well-being of all individuals in custody is unwavering. By providing access to necessary medical care and maintaining established procedures for all inmates, the Correctional Services Department aims to ensure the health and welfare of those under its care.

International Response and Legal Team’s Perspective

The response from Jimmy Lai’s legal team and his son, Sebastian, to the government’s condemnation has been swift. They have rejected the accusations of smearing the national security law and criticized the government’s handling of Jimmy Lai’s case.

According to Lai’s legal team, the government’s actions are an attempt to suppress dissent and stifle freedom of expression in Hong Kong. They argue that seeking international support and intervention is necessary to protect Lai’s rights and ensure a fair trial.

Sebastian Lai, in a statement to the press, reiterated his father’s commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law. He expressed concern about the government’s attempts to silence dissenting voices and called for international solidarity in support of his father’s case.

The international community has also weighed in on the situation, with human rights organizations expressing concern about the treatment of Jimmy Lai and the implications for freedom of expression in Hong Kong. Calls for a fair and transparent legal process have been echoed by various countries and NGOs, urging the Hong Kong government to uphold the rule of law and respect human rights.


The case of Jimmy Lai has sparked a debate about the rule of law and freedom of expression in Hong Kong. The government’s condemnation of Lai’s legal team and their efforts to seek international support has raised questions about the fairness of the legal process in the city.

As the legal proceedings continue, it remains to be seen how the case will unfold and what implications it may have for the future of democracy and human rights in Hong Kong. The international community will be closely watching the developments in Jimmy Lai’s case, ready to hold the Hong Kong government accountable for upholding the rule of law and protecting fundamental rights.