A hotline that is supposed to help caregivers is not meeting the needs of some callers, according to a community group. The hotline, which operates 24 hours a day and was launched last year, is designed to assist callers with various inquiries, such as counseling and information about community services. However, the Society for Community Organisation (SoCo) conducted a study in collaboration with Lingnan University’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) and found that many carers are facing challenging situations.

During a survey conducted between March and June of this year, it was discovered that both the individuals being cared for and the caregivers themselves were dealing with an average of two chronic illnesses. Professor Dickson Chan, the director of APIAS, expressed that the current hotline is inadequate in meeting the needs of certain carers. He mentioned that in some cases, hotline staff simply provide another phone number for callers to contact another organization, which does not offer concrete and immediate support.

To address this issue, Professor Chan suggested the government consider establishing a specialized team that is connected to the hotline. This team would be able to provide immediate support services to older individuals in urgent need after a brief assessment. SoCo also urged the government to ease the eligibility requirements for financial support under the Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of Elderly Persons from Low-income Families.

In addition to enhancing the hotline services, it is crucial for the government to expand financial support programs to reach more caregivers in need. By relaxing eligibility requirements, more low-income families caring for elderly individuals can benefit from the assistance provided under the Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers. This would help alleviate the financial burden on caregivers and ensure that they can continue to provide the necessary care for their loved ones.

Furthermore, establishing a specialized emergency response team connected to the hotline would significantly improve the level of support available to caregivers. This team could swiftly address urgent needs and provide immediate assistance to older individuals in critical situations. By implementing these recommendations, the government can better meet the needs of caregivers and ensure that they receive the support they require to continue their essential caregiving roles.