
Encouraging Public to Take Emergency Medical Training: RTHK’s Initiative

The Hospital Authority (HA) is committed to promoting the importance of emergency medical training and first aid skills to a wider audience through its dedicated Accident and Emergency training center in Wan Chai. Established 30 years ago, the training center offers compulsory sessions for medical professionals, as well as courses tailored for the general public.

Dr. Axel Siu, the medical director of the center, emphasized the importance of diversifying the pool of individuals receiving training at the facility. While approximately 80 percent of course participants are currently medical professionals from public hospitals, Dr. Siu aims to expand the reach of the training programs to include individuals from all sectors of society.

“We are constantly evaluating our training programs to ensure they meet the needs of the general public and the community at large. By doing so, we can maximize the benefits of our training initiatives,” Dr. Siu stated.

Recognizing specific community needs, the training center has collaborated with community partners to design specialized first aid courses focused on domestic accidents. These tailored programs aim to equip caregivers with the necessary skills to respond effectively in emergency situations within the home environment.

Despite a decrease in the number of course participants in the previous year, with 7,800 individuals attending training sessions compared to 12,000 in the 2018-19 period, Dr. Siu remains optimistic about the future. He acknowledges the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training activities and anticipates a gradual return to pre-pandemic participation levels in the coming years.

“We are mindful of the changes in infection control requirements brought about by the pandemic, which necessitate adjustments to our training protocols. While it may take time to fully regain our previous numbers, we are confident that with patience and dedication, we can resume our normal course offerings and engage more participants,” Dr. Siu explained.

Looking ahead, the HA plans to incorporate virtual reality technology into its training programs to enhance the learning experience and simulate realistic emergency scenarios. By utilizing virtual simulations of disasters such as aviation accidents, explosions, and fires, participants can practice their response skills in a controlled environment.

Benefits of Emergency Medical Training for the Public

Participating in emergency medical training courses offers numerous benefits to the general public, beyond just acquiring life-saving skills. Learning how to administer first aid effectively can empower individuals to take immediate action in emergency situations, potentially saving lives before professional help arrives.

Moreover, having a basic understanding of emergency medicine can instill confidence and preparedness in individuals, enabling them to respond calmly and effectively in crisis situations. By equipping more members of the community with these essential skills, the overall resilience and safety of society can be enhanced.

Furthermore, individuals who undergo emergency medical training may also experience personal growth and fulfillment by contributing positively to the well-being of those around them. Whether it be assisting a stranger in need or providing aid to a loved one, the ability to respond competently in emergencies can foster a sense of purpose and altruism in individuals.

Expanding Access to Emergency Medical Training

In order to reach a broader audience and encourage more individuals to participate in emergency medical training, the HA is exploring various avenues to expand access to its training programs. This includes partnering with community organizations, schools, and businesses to offer training sessions at convenient locations and times.

By collaborating with local partners, the HA aims to make emergency medical training more accessible to diverse groups within the community, including seniors, students, and individuals with disabilities. Tailoring training programs to suit the specific needs and preferences of different demographic groups can help increase participation and engagement in the courses.

Furthermore, leveraging digital platforms and online resources can also enhance the accessibility of emergency medical training. By offering virtual training sessions and e-learning modules, individuals can access the necessary knowledge and skills from the comfort of their own homes, further widening the reach of the training programs.

In conclusion, promoting the importance of emergency medical training and first aid skills to the public is crucial for building a safer and more resilient society. By encouraging more individuals to participate in training programs, the HA’s initiative aims to empower communities to respond effectively in emergency situations and ultimately save lives.