
Chief Executive John Lee has revealed that he will be presenting his highly anticipated Policy Address on October 16, following a visit to Wong Tai Sin to gather valuable insights and opinions from the community. This announcement comes after a series of visits to various establishments in the district, where Lee had the opportunity to engage with residents and stakeholders to better understand their needs and concerns.

During his visit, the Chief Executive made stops at a pharmacy, a social services coordination centre, a health centre, and a local Chinese restaurant, accompanied by the Health Secretary Lo Chung-mau and the Home and Youth Affairs Chief, Alice Mak. These visits provided Lee with a firsthand look at the challenges faced by different sectors of society and allowed him to gather valuable feedback that will inform the upcoming Policy Address.

Speaking to reporters following his visit, Lee emphasized the importance of resource allocation and policy prioritization in shaping the government’s agenda. “After two years in office, I have come to realize that the key lies in making informed decisions on where to allocate resources and which policies to prioritize in the Policy Address,” Lee stated. He also highlighted the significance of engaging with the public and listening to their perspectives on various policy matters to ensure that the government’s initiatives are responsive to the needs of the community.

One of the residents that Lee interacted with during his visit was Ms. Chan, a printing worker who expressed her concerns about the declining printing industry in Hong Kong. Chan shared her hopes for more support for grassroots workers in the industry, emphasizing the need for training and development opportunities to sustain its growth. Lee responded positively to her feedback, showing a genuine interest in addressing the challenges faced by workers in the printing sector and exploring ways to support their professional development.

In addition to engaging with local residents, Chief Executive John Lee also addressed recent developments on the international front, particularly the passing of a bill by the US House of Representatives that could potentially impact Hong Kong’s economic and trade offices in the United States. Lee strongly condemned this move, describing it as a political tactic aimed at undermining the country’s development and the Special Administrative Region (SAR) of Hong Kong. He warned that the US would face consequences for its actions and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to taking necessary countermeasures to protect Hong Kong’s interests.

The Chief Executive’s visit to Wong Tai Sin and his subsequent interactions with residents underscore the importance of community engagement in policymaking and decision-making processes. By directly engaging with stakeholders and listening to their feedback, Lee demonstrates a commitment to inclusive governance and a responsive approach to addressing the needs and concerns of the public. As he prepares to deliver his Policy Address on October 16, it is evident that Lee is prioritizing a people-centered approach to policymaking that takes into account the diverse perspectives and experiences of Hong Kong’s residents.

Addressing Healthcare Priorities

One of the key areas of focus for Chief Executive John Lee during his visit to Wong Tai Sin was healthcare, as he visited a health center to learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the sector. Accompanied by Health Secretary Lo Chung-mau, Lee engaged with healthcare professionals and community members to gain insights into the current state of primary healthcare services in the district.

During his interaction with healthcare providers, Lee emphasized the importance of strengthening primary healthcare services and addressing the healthcare needs of the community. He expressed his satisfaction with the progress made in this area and reiterated his commitment to continuing to promote and support primary healthcare initiatives to improve access and quality of care for residents.

Furthermore, Lee highlighted the government’s efforts to enhance healthcare services and expand access to affordable and quality care for all residents. By prioritizing primary healthcare and investing in resources to support healthcare providers, the government aims to create a more resilient and responsive healthcare system that meets the evolving needs of the population.

As the Chief Executive prepares to outline his policy priorities in the upcoming Policy Address, healthcare is expected to feature prominently as a key area of focus. By engaging with healthcare professionals and stakeholders, Lee is gathering valuable insights that will inform the government’s healthcare policies and initiatives to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality and accessible healthcare services to all residents.

Supporting Industry Transformation

The Chief Executive’s visit to a local Chinese restaurant in Wong Tai Sin also shed light on the challenges faced by industries undergoing transformation, such as the printing industry. Ms. Chan, a printing worker, shared her concerns about the declining state of the printing industry in Hong Kong and expressed her hopes for more support and training opportunities to sustain its growth and development.

Lee’s positive response to Chan’s feedback reflects a commitment to supporting industries in transition and addressing the needs of workers facing economic challenges. By engaging with industry representatives and workers, the government can better understand the specific challenges and opportunities in different sectors and develop targeted policies to support their growth and sustainability.

In light of the evolving economic landscape and technological advancements, the government’s support for industry transformation and workforce development is crucial to ensuring the long-term viability and competitiveness of Hong Kong’s industries. By investing in training and upskilling programs, the government can equip workers with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to changing industry demands and secure employment opportunities in emerging sectors.

As Chief Executive John Lee prepares to present his Policy Address, it is essential for the government to consider the needs and aspirations of workers in industries undergoing transformation. By engaging with industry stakeholders and workers, the government can develop policies and initiatives that support industry growth, foster innovation, and create sustainable employment opportunities for all residents.

International Relations and Economic Stability

In addition to addressing domestic priorities, Chief Executive John Lee’s strong condemnation of the US House of Representatives’ bill reflects the government’s commitment to protecting Hong Kong’s economic interests and maintaining stable international relations. The passing of the bill, which could potentially impact Hong Kong’s economic and trade offices in the US, poses a threat to the SAR’s economic stability and global connectivity.

Lee’s warning of potential countermeasures against the US underscores the government’s determination to defend Hong Kong’s interests and sovereignty against external pressures and political interference. By taking a firm stance on issues that threaten Hong Kong’s economic prosperity and international standing, the government sends a clear message that it will not tolerate actions that undermine the SAR’s autonomy and development.

As the government prepares to navigate complex international challenges and safeguard Hong Kong’s economic interests, it is crucial for policymakers to adopt a proactive and strategic approach to diplomacy and economic relations. By engaging with international partners and stakeholders, the government can build strong alliances and partnerships that support Hong Kong’s economic growth and stability in the global arena.

In conclusion, Chief Executive John Lee’s upcoming Policy Address on October 16 presents an opportunity to outline the government’s priorities and initiatives in response to the pressing needs and challenges facing Hong Kong. By engaging with residents, industry stakeholders, and international partners, the government can develop policies and strategies that promote inclusive growth, economic stability, and social development for all residents. As Lee prepares to deliver his Policy Address, it is essential for the government to prioritize the needs of the community, support industry transformation, and uphold Hong Kong’s economic interests in the face of external pressures and challenges.