
US Official’s Approach to China in Indo-Pacific

A senior American diplomat responsible for the US policy of a “free and open” Indo-Pacific defended the approach Tuesday of combining “intense diplomacy” with Beijing while pursuing “intense competition”. Daniel Kritenbrink, the US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, emphasized the importance of maintaining communication channels between Washington and Beijing to reduce the risk of accidental conflict between the two superpowers. He stated that President Joe Biden and his administration were actively working to defuse tensions and prioritize peace in the region.

Kritenbrink highlighted the significance of diplomacy in managing the complex relationship between the US and China. He acknowledged the challenges of balancing cooperation and competition with Beijing, emphasizing the need for strategic engagement to address key issues such as trade, security, and human rights. By maintaining open lines of communication and pursuing dialogue, the US aims to prevent misunderstandings and promote stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Managing Tensions and Building Trust

In his remarks, Kritenbrink stressed the importance of building trust and managing tensions through diplomatic means. He cited the incident involving a Chinese balloon flying over US territory as a critical moment in US-China relations, which led to the cancellation of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Beijing. Despite differing interpretations of the event, Kritenbrink emphasized the need for transparency and communication to prevent similar incidents from escalating in the future.

The US official’s approach to China in the Indo-Pacific underscores the complexities of navigating a relationship characterized by both cooperation and competition. By engaging in intense diplomacy while simultaneously pursuing competition, the US aims to safeguard its interests and promote a rules-based order in the region. This dual-track approach reflects a strategic effort to balance engagement with Beijing while upholding core American values and principles.

Promoting a Free and Open Indo-Pacific

Kritenbrink reiterated the US commitment to promoting a “free and open” Indo-Pacific, emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic norms and values in the region. He highlighted the US role in supporting allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific to counter Chinese influence and preserve regional stability. By strengthening alliances and promoting economic development, the US seeks to advance a vision of a peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific that is not dominated by any single power.

The US official’s approach to China in the Indo-Pacific reflects a broader strategy of promoting a rules-based international order and defending democratic values in the region. By engaging in intense diplomacy and competition with Beijing, the US aims to safeguard its interests and ensure a level playing field for all nations in the Indo-Pacific. This balanced approach underscores the complexity of US-China relations and the importance of strategic engagement to address key challenges and opportunities in the region.