
Indonesia’s Battle Against Illegal Gambling: Religious Opposition and Enforcement Efforts

Indonesia is grappling with a growing issue of gambling addiction, despite the practice being illegal in the country. The story of Surya, a snack seller from West Java, illustrates the devastating effects of this addiction. Surya confessed to his wife that he had lost over US$12,000 due to his gambling habit. “When I lost big, I was determined to win back what I lost no matter what – even if I had to borrow money,” he shared, highlighting the destructive cycle that many gamblers find themselves in.

According to government figures, around 3.7 million Indonesians engaged in gambling activities last year, placing more than US$20 billion in bets. This alarming statistic prompted President Joko Widodo to take action by setting up a task force in June to address the issue. The government also ordered telecom providers to block overseas gambling websites, but some gamblers still find ways to access these sites through VPN services.

The Rise of Online Gambling in Indonesia

The rise of online gambling has further exacerbated the problem, making it easier for individuals to place bets without having to physically visit a casino or gambling establishment. Eno Saputra, a vegetable seller from South Sumatra, shared his struggle with mobile gambling, stating that he spends at least 100,000 rupiah (US$6.45) a day on betting. Despite winning a significant amount once, Eno mostly suffers losses and acknowledges that his actions go against his religious beliefs.

Enforcement Efforts and Challenges

President Widodo’s task force aims to crack down on illegal gambling operators and curb the rising trend of gambling addiction in Indonesia. However, experts believe that more needs to be done to address the root causes of the issue. While police have made arrests and seized assets from online gambling operators, critics argue that lenient prison sentences do not serve as a sufficient deterrent.

Nailul Huda, an economist from the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios), emphasized the importance of targeting the masterminds behind these operations. “Those operators did not work alone, they answered to someone big,” Huda remarked, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to tackling illegal gambling in Indonesia.

The Human Cost of Gambling Addiction

The personal and societal consequences of gambling addiction are profound, as seen in the cases of murders, suicides, and divorces linked to illegal gambling activities. Reports of individuals resorting to extreme measures to fund their gambling habits underscore the urgent need for intervention and support for those struggling with addiction.

In Bogor, a clinic at a psychiatry hospital has been providing treatment for individuals battling gambling addiction. Nova Riyanti Yusuf, the director of the hospital, shared that 19 addicts have received counseling and therapy for various mental health issues related to their addiction. However, she acknowledged that there are likely many more individuals in need of help who are not receiving treatment.

The Way Forward: Education and Support

President Widodo’s initiative to combat illegal gambling is a step in the right direction, but experts stress the importance of addressing the underlying factors that contribute to gambling addiction. Education, awareness campaigns, and access to mental health services are crucial components of a comprehensive strategy to tackle this pervasive issue.

As individuals like Surya strive to overcome their addiction and rebuild their lives, it is essential for the government, religious leaders, and communities to come together to provide support and resources for those in need. By working collaboratively, Indonesia can make significant strides in addressing the harmful effects of illegal gambling and promoting a healthier, more sustainable society for all its citizens.