
The staff union of The Wall Street Journal’s parent company has garnered widespread support for a petition urging the reinstatement of Selina Cheng, a Hong Kong reporter who was terminated shortly after being elected chair of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA). The petition, which has amassed over 330 signatures, highlights the outcry surrounding Cheng’s dismissal and the growing concerns over press freedom in Hong Kong.

Background on Selina Cheng’s Dismissal

Selina Cheng, the former chair of the HKJA, was fired from The Wall Street Journal in July 2024, allegedly due to her involvement in the press union. The Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) delivered a letter to WSJ’s Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker, urging the newspaper to reinstate Cheng and provide a clear explanation for her termination. Jodi Green, the union president, stated that while Cheng was informed that she was laid off as part of a restructuring effort, she believed that her dismissal was actually linked to her election as the HKJA chief. Cheng had previously shared that her WSJ supervisor discouraged staff from advocating for press freedom in regions like Hong Kong, a sentiment that the union condemned as “unconscionable.”

Support for Selina Cheng

The petition organized by IAPE and supported by the NewsGuild has gained significant traction, with over 330 individuals voicing their support for Cheng’s reinstatement. In a statement on social media, Cheng expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and emphasized the importance of journalists being able to join unions as a fundamental human right. The petition serves as a rallying cry for press freedom advocates, urging WSJ to uphold journalistic integrity and stand in solidarity with reporters like Cheng.

Challenges to Press Freedom in Hong Kong

Cheng’s dismissal comes amidst a broader crackdown on press freedom in Hong Kong, exemplified by the closure of media outlets like Apple Daily, Stand News, and Citizen News, along with the arrest of journalists and raids on newsrooms. The city’s government-funded broadcaster, RTHK, has faced increased scrutiny and censorship, leading to concerns about the erosion of free speech and independent reporting. International watchdogs have raised alarms about the deteriorating media landscape in Hong Kong, with over 1,000 journalists losing their jobs and many opting to leave the city in the face of mounting restrictions.

Calls for Accountability and Transparency

The petition calling for Selina Cheng’s reinstatement underscores the pressing need for accountability and transparency in the treatment of journalists. The actions taken against Cheng highlight the challenges faced by media professionals in Hong Kong, where the right to press freedom is increasingly under threat. As the global community rallies behind Cheng and other journalists facing similar challenges, the spotlight is on WSJ to address the concerns raised by the petition and uphold the principles of journalistic independence and integrity.

Moving Forward: Upholding Press Freedom

In the wake of Selina Cheng’s dismissal and the broader crackdown on press freedom in Hong Kong, there is a growing sense of urgency to safeguard the rights of journalists and ensure that independent reporting can thrive in the face of mounting challenges. The petition calling for Cheng’s reinstatement is a testament to the solidarity and support within the journalism community, as advocates continue to push for accountability and transparency in the face of threats to free speech and editorial independence.

Challenges to Press Freedom

The challenges facing press freedom in Hong Kong are multifaceted and complex, reflecting a broader trend of shrinking democratic space and increasing restrictions on free expression. The closure of prominent media outlets, the targeting of journalists for their reporting, and the erosion of editorial independence underscore the precarious environment in which journalists operate. As the international community monitors developments in Hong Kong, there is a shared responsibility to uphold the principles of press freedom and defend the rights of journalists to report without fear of reprisal.

Global Solidarity for Press Freedom

The petition in support of Selina Cheng’s reinstatement serves as a rallying cry for journalists worldwide, underscoring the interconnectedness of press freedom and the need for collective action in the face of threats to independent reporting. From the streets of Hong Kong to newsrooms around the world, the fight for journalistic integrity and editorial independence transcends borders and unites voices in a shared commitment to upholding the truth. As advocates continue to push for accountability and transparency, the global solidarity for press freedom remains a beacon of hope in a challenging media landscape.