
Hong Kong Activist ‘Grandpa Chan’ Pleading Not Guilty for Unpermitted Lion Rock Banners

An elderly Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, Chan Ki-kau, also known as “Grandpa Chan,” is set to plead not guilty to displaying an unauthorized banner atop one of the city’s peaks last year. Chan, 76, appeared at Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts for a pre-trial hearing regarding the incident that occurred on September 28, 2023.

The charges against Chan stem from his actions of displaying a pair of Chinese-language banners at the summit of Lion Rock. The banners featured a poignant couplet penned by writer Lu Xun, which can be translated as: “Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers. Head bowed like a willing ox, I serve the children.” These banners violated the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations, which prohibit the display of signs, notices, posters, banners, or advertisements in a country park without prior authorization from authorities.

During the court proceedings, the prosecution indicated that both parties had largely agreed on the facts of the case. Two witnesses are expected to be summoned to testify during the trial. The defense plans to argue on the grounds of Chan’s freedom of speech. The prosecution requested that the witnesses testify in Cantonese while both parties use English for legal arguments.

Acting Principal Magistrate Ko Wai-hung scheduled the trial for September 30, allowing for bilingual proceedings as requested by the prosecution. Chan’s case has garnered attention due to his long-standing activism in the pro-democracy movement. He is a member of Protect Our Kids, a group established during the protests and unrest in 2019.

Chan has been a prominent figure in the fight for democracy in Hong Kong, often seen on the front lines of demonstrations, advocating for peace and urging restraint in the face of police confrontations. He even participated in a hunger strike at the onset of the movement, showcasing his commitment to the cause.

In a previous legal battle, Chan was ordered to pay approximately HK$510,000 to the Department of Justice after his attempt to challenge the police over their identification display during the 2019 protests was dismissed by a court. Despite facing legal challenges, Chan remains dedicated to advocating for democracy and civil liberties in Hong Kong.


The Lion Rock Protest and its Symbolism
Legal Proceedings and Freedom of Speech
Grandpa Chan’s Legacy in Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Movement

The Lion Rock Protest and its Symbolism

The Lion Rock has long been a symbol of Hong Kong’s resilience and unity in the face of adversity. The iconic peak holds a special place in the hearts of many Hongkongers, symbolizing the city’s strength and perseverance. Over the years, it has served as a backdrop for various protests and demonstrations, with activists using its prominent position to convey powerful messages of solidarity and resistance.

Chan’s decision to display banners at the summit of Lion Rock was a deliberate act of defiance and a call to action for the people of Hong Kong. The couplet he chose to showcase encapsulated the spirit of resistance and sacrifice that has defined the city’s pro-democracy movement. By choosing to display these banners without authorization, Chan was making a bold statement against the restrictions placed on freedom of expression in the city.

Legal Proceedings and Freedom of Speech

The charges brought against Chan for displaying unpermitted banners at Lion Rock raise important questions about freedom of speech and the right to protest in Hong Kong. As a vocal advocate for democracy, Chan’s actions were driven by a desire to speak out against injustice and advocate for the rights of the people. However, his decision to display the banners without permission has led to legal repercussions that could have far-reaching implications for activism in the city.

The prosecution’s argument that Chan’s actions violated park regulations highlights the fine line between exercising freedom of speech and abiding by legal requirements. While Chan’s intentions were undoubtedly noble, the law requires that certain procedures be followed to ensure public safety and order. The upcoming trial will likely delve into the complexities of balancing individual rights with societal regulations.

Grandpa Chan’s Legacy in Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Movement

Throughout his years of activism, Grandpa Chan has become a revered figure in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. His unwavering dedication to the cause and his willingness to stand up for what he believes in have inspired countless individuals to join the fight for democracy and civil liberties. Despite facing legal challenges and personal risks, Chan has remained steadfast in his commitment to advocating for a better future for Hong Kong.

Chan’s presence on the front lines of protests, his calming influence in tense situations, and his willingness to sacrifice for the greater good have earned him the respect and admiration of many in Hong Kong. As a symbol of resilience and hope, Grandpa Chan embodies the spirit of the city’s pro-democracy movement, reminding others of the importance of standing up for what is right in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, Grandpa Chan’s upcoming trial for displaying unpermitted banners at Lion Rock serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by activists in Hong Kong. By highlighting the importance of freedom of speech and the right to protest, Chan’s case brings to light the ongoing struggle for democracy and civil liberties in the city. As the trial unfolds, it will be crucial to consider the implications of the charges against Chan and the broader impact on activism in Hong Kong.