
China releases US pastor David Lin after nearly 20 years in custody

An American pastor, David Lin, who had been detained by China since 2006 on what the United States deemed as spurious charges, has finally been released. The State Department confirmed this significant development on Sunday, marking the end of nearly two decades of custody for Pastor Lin.

According to a State Department spokesperson, David Lin has returned to the United States and is now reunited with his family after almost 20 years. This news was met with relief and joy from his loved ones and supporters who have long awaited his release.

“We welcome David Lin’s release from prison in the People’s Republic of China,” the spokesperson stated, expressing the United States’ satisfaction with the outcome of this long-standing case.

Family Reunion and Support

David Lin’s daughter, Alice Lin, shared that her 68-year-old father would be arriving in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday. The family is overjoyed to have him back after enduring years of separation and uncertainty.

Various US officials, including California Governor Gavin Newsom, have been vocal advocates for Pastor Lin’s release. Governor Newsom raised the issue during his visit to China, where he engaged in discussions with President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, emphasizing the importance of reuniting Pastor Lin with his family.

Congressional Involvement and Advocacy

The release of David Lin comes ahead of a congressional hearing scheduled for later this week, focusing on US citizens imprisoned in China. The case of Pastor Lin and others like him has garnered attention and concern from policymakers and human rights advocates, who have been working tirelessly to secure their freedom.

It is a significant step towards justice and human rights that Pastor David Lin has been freed after years of unjust imprisonment. His story serves as a reminder of the importance of advocating for individuals who are wrongfully detained and ensuring their rights are protected.

As the world celebrates Pastor Lin’s return to the United States, it is crucial to continue advocating for the release of others who remain unjustly imprisoned in China and other countries. The fight for justice and freedom must persist until all individuals are reunited with their families and granted the rights they deserve.