
Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun emphasized the importance of negotiation as the key to resolving conflicts such as the wars in Gaza and Ukraine during a global gathering of military officials in Beijing. The 11th Xiangshan Forum, China’s equivalent to the annual Shangri-La meeting in Singapore, brought together over 500 representatives from more than 90 countries and organizations over three days.

Addressing the delegates at the opening ceremony, Dong stated, “To resolve hotspot issues such as the crisis in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, promoting peace and negotiation is the only way out.” He highlighted the futility of war and conflict, emphasizing that there are no winners in such situations, and called for a collective effort towards peaceful resolutions through dialogue and consultation.

The forum, which serves as a platform for discussions on a wide range of security-related topics, saw the participation of top military representatives from countries like Russia, Pakistan, Singapore, Iran, and Germany. The agenda included discussions on US-China relations, security challenges in Europe and Asia, and the complexities of defense in a multipolar world.

Dong also touched upon the importance of preventing the proliferation of national security concepts to ensure that new technologies can benefit mankind as a whole. This statement likely alluded to the ongoing efforts by the United States to restrict Beijing’s access to advanced technology. He stressed the need for all countries to work together in building defense and security capacities in the face of global security risks and increased instability.

The presence of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Chase at the forum underscored the ongoing efforts by Washington and Beijing to engage in military-to-military talks. Despite existing tensions on various fronts, both countries have recognized the importance of maintaining communication channels to prevent potential disputes from escalating.

One of the key flashpoints in the region is the South China Sea, where China’s territorial claims have led to confrontations with neighboring countries like the Philippines. China’s assertive stance in the region has raised concerns among other claimant states and the international community. Lieutenant General He Lei made it clear that China would defend its sovereign territory, including in the South China Sea, against any foreign incursions.

As the discussions at the forum continue, the focus remains on promoting peace, fostering dialogue, and enhancing cooperation among nations to address complex security challenges. The call for negotiation as a means to resolve conflicts echoes a sentiment shared by many global leaders who recognize the futility of violence and the imperative of finding peaceful solutions to longstanding disputes.

In conclusion, the Xiangshan Forum serves as a crucial platform for promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among military officials from around the world. By advocating for negotiation as the primary tool for conflict resolution, Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun has underscored the importance of embracing peaceful means to address global challenges effectively. As the discussions progress, the international community looks towards fostering a culture of dialogue and cooperation to build a more peaceful and secure world for all.