
Chief Executive John Lee has announced his plans to engage with the public in order to gather suggestions and feedback for his upcoming Policy Address. In a bid to ensure that the concerns and opinions of the people are taken into consideration, Lee will be holding a series of public meetings starting from Sunday. These meetings will provide a platform for members of the community to voice their thoughts and ideas directly to the Chief Executive and his team.

Community Engagement Initiative

Lee took to his official Facebook page to announce the commencement of the public meetings, starting with a district consultation meeting in Tai Po at 10 am on Sunday. The meeting will be broadcast live on television and online, allowing a wider audience to participate and witness the discussions firsthand. This initiative aims to foster greater transparency and inclusivity in the policy-making process, ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and considered.

Over the past few weeks, Lee and his team have already attended over 20 consultation meetings, actively engaging with various stakeholders to gather their opinions and suggestions. These meetings have provided valuable insights and perspectives from lawmakers, political parties, business leaders, and representatives of different sectors. The diversity of opinions and ideas presented during these meetings will play a crucial role in shaping the upcoming Policy Address.

Public Participation and Feedback

The government has emphasized the importance of public participation in the policy-making process, highlighting the need for a collaborative approach to address the various challenges and issues faced by the community. By actively seeking feedback and suggestions from the public, Chief Executive John Lee aims to ensure that the Policy Address reflects the needs and priorities of the people.

In addition to the district consultation meetings, Lee has also received proposals and recommendations from various stakeholders, including lawmakers, political parties, business leaders, and representatives of different sectors. These inputs will be carefully considered and integrated into the policy-making process, with the aim of developing comprehensive and effective policies that address the diverse needs of the community.

The government has announced that over 40 meetings will be held before the Chief Executive delivers his Policy Address in October. These meetings will provide ample opportunities for members of the public to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions directly with Chief Executive John Lee. By actively engaging with the community, the government hopes to foster greater trust and collaboration between the government and the people, ultimately leading to more responsive and inclusive policy-making.

Transparency and Accountability

The decision to hold public meetings and consultations reflects the government’s commitment to transparency and accountability in the policy-making process. By actively engaging with the public and seeking their input, Chief Executive John Lee aims to ensure that policies are developed in a way that reflects the needs and aspirations of the people.

The live broadcasts of the district consultation meetings on television and online further enhance the transparency of the process, allowing a wider audience to participate and witness the discussions firsthand. This open and inclusive approach to policy-making not only fosters greater trust and confidence in the government but also ensures that policies are grounded in the realities and priorities of the people.

In conclusion, Chief Executive John Lee’s decision to engage with the public through a series of district consultation meetings is a positive step towards fostering greater transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in the policy-making process. By actively seeking feedback and suggestions from the community, Lee aims to develop policies that are responsive to the needs and priorities of the people. The upcoming Policy Address is expected to reflect a wide range of perspectives and ideas, ultimately leading to more effective and comprehensive policies that benefit the community as a whole.