
Breaking Barriers in Youth Diplomacy Education: The News Lens International Edition

Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association

The Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association (TDDA) has always been committed to promoting international dialogue and raising global awareness of Taiwan through social media and various platforms. One of the core missions of the TDDA is to develop courses on global perspectives and nurture international talent. This summer, in collaboration with the New Taipei City Government Department of Youth, the TDDA organized the “International Youth Talent Development Program,” which saw the participation of 60 young university and high school students.

Innovative Approach to Urban Diplomacy

The “International Youth Talent Development Program” aimed to provide participants with a unique opportunity to engage in professional lectures, cultural activities, and visits to historical sites and diplomatic offices within Taiwan. This innovative approach to urban diplomacy sought to enhance cross-cultural exchange and understanding, breaking away from traditional diplomatic practices. The program was inclusive to students from all backgrounds, welcoming not only those majoring in international affairs or linguistics but also students from diverse fields such as natural sciences, management, and education.

Commissioner Marcia Chiu of the New Taipei City Government Department of Youth highlighted during the opening ceremony that the program was designed to develop young people’s interest in promoting urban diplomacy and cultural exchanges within society beyond traditional diplomatic boundaries. The program aimed to inspire participants to view the unique characteristics of the city from a new perspective.

A Journey of Cultural and Mutual Understanding

As part of the program, students had the opportunity to explore significant historical sites in New Taipei City, including The Lin Family Mansion and Garden, Huangshi Market, and Songshan Cihui Temple. They also experienced traditional delicacies and learned about local folk beliefs. The program encouraged students to think from a visitor’s perspective, fostering interactions with locals and international friends from countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

Cheng, a student from Jinwen University of Science and Technology, expressed gratitude for the program’s English presentation and bilingual interview workshops, which helped him improve his communication skills and make friends with foreign students. Participants from diverse backgrounds shared their contentment in gaining a new perspective on New Taipei City, appreciating its rich history and culture beyond just shopping malls and sightseeing spots.

Crafting New Bonds Through Cultural Diplomacy

The program also included visits to embassies such as the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti and the Embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in Taiwan. Students had the opportunity to present proposals for forming new sister-city relations between cities in Taiwan and the respective countries, focusing on artistic exchanges. The experience allowed students to put their English communication, research, and analytical skills into practice while expanding their global outlook and awareness.

Experiencing Global Culture From Home

In addition to embassy visits, students engaged in hands-on cultural activities at foreign offices such as the Turkish Trade Office in Taipei and the Mexican Trade Services Documentation and Cultural Office. They were introduced to Turkish ice creams, local teas, and traditional dances like Salsa. Students also had the chance to craft Turkish mosaic lamps and learn about the cultural significance behind the practice. These activities provided a deeper understanding of different cultures and enhanced students’ appreciation for cultural diplomacy.

Inspiring Future Citizen Diplomats

After the conclusion of the International Youth Talent Development program, students expressed newfound perspectives on diplomacy and the importance of people-to-people interactions in fostering international relations. Chia-yo Kuo, President of the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association, hopes that the program will continue to inspire young people to engage in global interactions with open hearts and a respectful attitude. The association believes that everyone, including young people, can play a role as citizen diplomats.

In Conclusion

The International Youth Talent Development Program organized by the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association and the New Taipei City Government Department of Youth provided students with a unique opportunity to engage in cross-cultural exchange, develop their communication skills, and gain a new perspective on diplomacy. By focusing on urban diplomacy and cultural exchanges, the program aimed to inspire future citizen diplomats who can contribute to strengthening Taiwan’s international presence and relations. Through hands-on activities, embassy visits, and cultural experiences, participants learned about the importance of cultural diplomacy and people-to-people interactions in shaping global relations. As young people continue to engage in such programs, they can become effective ambassadors for their country and promote mutual understanding and cooperation on the global stage.