
HKU Task Force Aims to Restore Normalcy Through Collaborative Efforts

A task force established to address internal conflicts within the University of Hong Kong (HKU) leadership is pushing for collaboration among university officials to expedite the search for new hires. The Investigation and Study Group on the Internal Operational Affairs of HKU recently presented a series of recommendations to the university’s governing council, with the goal of bringing the institution’s operations back to normalcy.

The task force emphasized the importance of prioritizing the institution’s interests above all else and urged HKU leaders to work together to fill senior-level vacancies promptly. Following a meeting with council members, including former lawmaker Abraham Shek and incumbent legislator Chan Chun-ying, all recommendations proposed by the task force were accepted.

In a statement released after the meeting, the task force expressed optimism that its efforts, spanning over two months, would facilitate the resumption of normal operations at HKU. The group, comprised of Permanent Secretary for Education Michelle Li and University Grant Committee chief Tim Lui, acknowledged the university’s ongoing hiring exercises, particularly for key positions such as the provost, vice-presidents, registrar, and deans.

Urgency in Filling Senior Positions to Ensure Stability

The Investigation and Study Group underscored the importance of expediting the search for suitable candidates to fill senior positions within the university. With vacancies in crucial roles like the provost and vice-presidents, the task force emphasized the need for swift action to ensure stability and continuity in HKU’s leadership.

Council members and university management were urged to prioritize these searches to prevent any disruptions in the institution’s operations. The task force emphasized the significance of timely appointments and seamless transitions to maintain HKU’s academic excellence and reputation.

Establishment and Progress of the Task Force

The task force was established in June amidst escalating tensions within the university’s leadership structure. Over the past few months, the group has conducted more than 60 meetings with various stakeholders, including HKU President and Vice-Chancellor Zhang Xiang and council chairwoman Priscilla Wong.

The decision to form the task force came in response to concerns raised by Zhang regarding his lack of involvement in key appointments made by Wong. The internal conflicts within HKU’s leadership had raised uncertainties and led to disruptions in the institution’s operations, prompting the need for a collaborative effort to address the issues and restore normalcy.

As the task force continues to work towards resolving internal conflicts and facilitating the recruitment of new hires, the focus remains on ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective communication among HKU leaders. By prioritizing the institution’s interests and working together towards common goals, the university aims to overcome challenges and strengthen its position as a leading academic institution in the region.

Overall, the efforts of the Investigation and Study Group on the Internal Operational Affairs of HKU reflect a commitment to fostering collaboration, transparency, and accountability within the university’s leadership structure. By addressing internal conflicts and prioritizing the institution’s interests, HKU is poised to navigate challenges and emerge stronger, ensuring continuity and excellence in its academic endeavors.